Madison Mercantile" is a place for Community, Art and Innovation in Madison. We are at the South end of Main Street in the shadow of the grain silos.
The Mercantile continues to evolve....we currently work in these areas:
Art and Music
Civic and Social Engagement
Well-Being and Good Food
Innovation and Entrepreneurship

We were founded by a "rural rebounder," Kris Shelstad, who returned to her hometown and decided to make a difference. We bought the building in June of 2021 and opened the doors to the community in less than six months!

Our Mission
Provide an accessible, equitable, inclusive and flexible space that supports Art, Culture, Community and Innovation to our city and our region.

Our Vision
The Madison Art and Innovation Center - known as The Madison Mercantile - is a welcoming, accessible and multi-functional space responsive to community needs. The Center includes an Art Gallery, Stage, Music Room, Community Workshop, Classrooms, Studios, Offices, Wellness Room and common use spaces for gathering, growing and learning. The Center operates a for-profit coffee house and gift shop. The center provides opportunity and programs for all area residents.